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      Visual Monkey is a VB Dev site.  I'm not qualified as a Dev, but I have delusions of grandeur.  The idea behind Visual Monkey is to write code, try new things, and have a good time along the way.  
       Basically, in my free time, I try to write apps for various purposes.  The prayer tool was to see how AppForge works.  Flashcards started for Russian language practice, then moved to flash cards for my kids, with animals and speech.  The best animal pictures were in MS Clip art, so I made a converter to use BMPs for the flash cards.  VB Ping was just an exercise for a latency test/site monitor to see if a server is up.  Just trying to solve whatever problems come up.

    As you can see from my copyright notice below - I'm not in this for money or prestige - I'm just in it for the bananas. ..

One banana two banana three banana four. . .C'mon everybody join in. . .

' *******************************************
' Copyright ©2004 VisualMonkey, Jason Herres, All Rights Reserved.
' *******************************************
' This code written by Jason Herres.
' I wrote this code to learn about VB and/or AppForge. So, if you are learning VB, feel free to
' modify or redistribute this code for anything you want. The only caveat is send
' me an email to with the story of how you used my code. If you
' happen to use **pieces** of my code for commercial reasons, then please buy a
' latte for a friend of yours on my behalf. 
' *******************************************